Saturday, 16 June 2012


Over the past few weeks things have been a touch crazy, not necessarily bad crazy, or good crazy just 'wow there's quite a lot going on isnt there? - crazy'.
In the space of a week we bought a house, I flew to Melbourne, back to Sydney and then to London for 6 days for work.
The pro's and con's list of this very last minute London trip was fraught and competitive...
Free flights/accommodation
Catchup with much-missed old friends
The shopping
Interesting worky-type experience
See London again at a fun Jubilee/Olympics time
Being away from H & Alex for 6 WHOLE DAYS!!!!
The most I'd every managed before was 2 nights and that was once in the previous 2+ years.

But we survived, helped by the power of regular Skypes and H and Grandpa doing a wonderful job looking after the little man.

For me the whole London experience was surreal. The only way I could subconsciously explain why I was in London again, without Alex or H and seeing my old UK friends was that I must have travelled back
in time, to a time before babies, before early nights in and the constant rush of work and family life.

To be honest I kind of enjoyed it... for a bit anyway... That being said once the work was over and I was heading home I was desperate to see my little man and throw myself back into the wonderful chaos of my old/new life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Ode to a poor neglected blog

Alex has composed a little song, including guitar accompaniment by way of recompense for the blatant lack of blogging over the past few weeks... months even?

There is much to report on including a random trip to the UK (Van) and Hamilton Island (Haydn) family visits (Nanna B & Grandpa), house moves (mortgage eek!), horrible colds (sniff) and happy daycare times (at last) but for now I leave you with this performance and the confirmation that Alex definitely gets his musical ability from the Butler side of the family...

p.s special prize to anyone who can figure out what he's actually singing...
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