Wednesday 29 September 2010

Hair apparent part 2 - mad baby

The second in our impressions series gives me an excuse to discuss a minor battle that rages between Alexander's mum and dad (Haydn and I to those in the know).

Once again the battle plays out in the hair follicle arena. You see I like the little man's hair all scruffy, ideally sticking up on top with his gorgeous little curls poking out by each ear - so cute! Haydn, however prefers the mad men look above, all brushed down and parted, 'the accountant look' I like to call it. I spend the weekends trying to hide the baby brush, usually unsuccessfully.

I suppose this battle will one day be resolved once Alex is big enough to have his own opinion - he will probably scupper both of us and go for a number one all over... but until then the hair wars will continue to rage on.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen this? >


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