Sunday, 23 September 2012

Look more numbers

Alex has a new obsession - and it's not Dora (although she still holds a big place in his heart) its not dinosaurs, cupcakes or even little girls. It's numbers. He LOVES numbers and gets ultra excited whenever and wherever he sees them. And I can safely say that numbers are EVERYWHERE!

An equal level of excitement is generate by house numbers, speed limit signs, license plates, oven dials, remote control buttons, letter boxes...

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Daddy daycare

We know it's not ideal having Alex at two different day care centres. Even though both are very good and he enjoys the people at both, it must be unsettling for him. At first it was a result of not getting into a place locally due to the crazy long waiting lists, now it's more about enabling Haydn and I to share the load dropping and collecting wise.

We've now decided to try and get him into one place, Garfield Street so he gets a bit more consistency.

So all going well this is the last fathers day where Alex will bring home two different crafty father's day cards and presents. But for now Haydn is basking in the glory of 3 fathers day cards from one son (including one home crafted version - that's the big silver one!)

He also got 2 sleep-ins this weekend, roast lamb for dinner and a papa's baked ricotta cheesecake for dessert... Mmm when's mothers day again?

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Location:Grove Ln,Lilyfield,Australia

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